With Nationals right around the corner here is a list of things you should not leave behind! I recommend putting everything in a folder or binder so it remains organized and then put that into your carry on so it won’t get lost!
Turn in at Registration:
- Resume-formatted, 1 page, preferably typed
- Transcript-grades for Academic Achievement
- Community Service Form-documented 10 hours, signed letter of validation
- Emcee Cards-Formal Wear, Personality Wear, and ALL optionals (Bring them filled out)
- 2 Copies of Spokesmodel Speech; printed and double spaced
- Photogenic, Portfolio, and Crown Cover Model Entries-contestant name on back
- Thank you letters
- Father/Mother of the Year Nomination and Letter
- Scrapbook
- Bid-a-Basket-will be auctioned at the Red Carpet Event
Don’t Forget:
- Get to Know Me Gifts-remember this are small gifts the numbers are as follows (please check your schedule for which divisions you are combined with and bring enough for BOTH divisions; all contestants take part in this)
Group 1-ALL Ambassadors & Mrs/Ms State Queens-25 Total Gifts
Group 2-Miss & Jr Miss State Queens-40 Total Gifts
Group 3-Teen State Queens-20 Total Gifts
Group 4 Jr Tween & Tween State Queens-32 Total Gifts
- Hat OR scarf and decorating supplies-every contestant will decorate a hat or scarf (your choice) for children with cancer; these will be donated by new national queens
- Show us your Shoes
*Optional winners are awarded per division; some contests do not have ANY girls entered. Ladies, I cannot stress enough how much optionals helped me to get the nerves out and make a memorable pageant experience. Plus they are included in the photo and video package-so make the most of your weekend! Great prizes this year for our national winners!
*I am attaching a packing list, this was also e-mailed out by our National Contestant Coordinator, Tina Shelledy last month; this should answer any packing questions and provide a good starting point.
*I am also attaching emcee cards; please please fill these out BEFORE you arrive. You can even do it on the plane to help pass time. Just make sure it is legible. This will help registration run smoothly. Thank you!
AUS Miss Volunteer Service NATIONAL
*The Nationals office will be CLOSED AS OF JULY 10th as they will be traveling. Please use the Ask Alyssa Blog, Contestant Manual (found under the Nationals tab and on the right hand side) of the website. If you don’t find your question e-mail: alyssa.ausmiss@gmail.com for assistance.
Until next time, live, love, laugh, and wear your invisible crown!